Making Your Feet Work For You

Seek Relief And Treatments From A Podiatrist For Your Plantar Fasciitis Condition

Your plantar fascia is that very thick band of ligament tissue running along the bottom of your foot. This tissue connects your toes to your heel bone. Repetitive strain injuries that you sustain to your plantar fascia are usually caused by the wearing of unsuitable footwear, excessive jumping, walking, or running activities. The injury you sustain to your fascia is called plantar fasciitis.

Symptoms Of Developing Plantar Fasciitis

You'll experience a stabbing type of pain coming from your heel at the bottom of your foot especially when you are trying to get out of bed in the morning. As you struggle to sit on your bed, the pain might ease a little but will begin to increase again later in the day. Some people also report numbness or a burning sensation in that area of their heel. Note also that repetitive stretching of your plantar fascia and stress and tension can cause the fascia to become irritated and inflamed.

Seek Early Treatment

It's important for you to seek treatment from a podiatrist to determine the treatment you should have if your condition is diagnosed as plantar fasciitis. Obtaining early treatment prevents you from developing hip or knee problems, which may arise due to your action of altering your gait because of pain from plantar fasciitis.

Examination To Arrive At Diagnosis And Treatment

Your podiatrist will perform a thorough examination to determine what is responsible for your condition. This is done in order to determine the severity of your plantar fasciitis when that condition is established. When he or she gains helpful information from examination and testing, a suitable treatment plan will be applied to help you find relief. You'll be advised to begin resting your foot while also taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.

Orthotics Shoe Inserts And CAM Walkers

Some podiatrists recommend that you begin wearing orthotic shoe inserts that will help to redistribute your weight and pressure on your feet. That activity allows more even distribution support for your arches. The inserts will be designed specifically for you. CAM walkers, which are essentially controlled ankle walker boots, help to keep you mobile while your footrests and heal from the pain that you encounter.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

There is a non-surgical procedure that some patients undergo when all other options fail to improve their condition. It's called Extracorporeal shock wave therapy. This treatment works by directing sound waves to the area of your heel pain to stimulate healing.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy treatment is also an option for the treatment of plantar fasciitis, and your podiatrist may refer you to a physical therapist for (PT) treatment. Your physical therapist uses targeted stretches and other exercises during your office PT sessions. That helps to strengthen and expand your calf muscles and plantar fascia, which provides relief for your condition. 
