
Services Offered by a Podiatrist: Taking Care of Your Feet and More

When it comes to caring for your feet, a podiatrist is the specialist you need. These medical professionals specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the feet and ankles. From treating common issues like bunions and plantar fasciitis to offering specialized services such as diabetic wound care, a podiatrist is your go-to expert for all things related to foot health. This post explores some of the essential services offered by a podiatrist.

Diabetes And Athlete's Foot: How Podiatrists Can Help

If you live with diabetes, you probably already know how important it is to take care of your feet. The effects of diabetes make both type I and type II diabetics more vulnerable to foot injuries and infections.  Diabetic people can be particularly vulnerable to the fungal infection known as athlete's foot. This common condition can lead to serious complications if it goes untreated. If you are diabetic and think you may have athlete's foot, you should visit a podiatrist or foot and ankle doctor as soon as possible for professional, effective treatment.

When Should You Consult A Podiatrist For Heel Pain?

Sure, you might not want to run to the phone to call and schedule an appointment with a podiatrist because you experience one little pain in your heel. Random pains come and go over the years, especially for those who stand on their feet for many hours throughout the day. Of course, there might come a time when you actually do need a consult with a specialist, such as a podiatrist.

Is It Time For You To Have Hammertoe Surgery?

When you first notice that you're developing hammertoe and point it out to your doctor, they'll usually give you some non-invasive treatments to try. They'll also assure you that when needed, they can send you in for podiatric surgery. But how do you know when the time for surgery has come? Here are some key signs that the benefits of hammertoe surgery have begun to outweigh the challenges in your case.

What Causes Cuboid Syndrome And How Your Foot Doctor Might Treat This Condition

Cuboid syndrome is a foot injury that usually causes pain along the same side of your foot as your little toe. The condition can occur suddenly due to an acute injury, or it can develop gradually due to repetitive motion. Anyone can develop cuboid syndrome, but it is most common in athletes, such as runners, tennis players, and dancers. Here are things that cause cuboid syndrome, how your foot is affected, and how a foot doctor might treat the injury.

Seek Relief And Treatments From A Podiatrist For Your Plantar Fasciitis Condition

Your plantar fascia is that very thick band of ligament tissue running along the bottom of your foot. This tissue connects your toes to your heel bone. Repetitive strain injuries that you sustain to your plantar fascia are usually caused by the wearing of unsuitable footwear, excessive jumping, walking, or running activities. The injury you sustain to your fascia is called plantar fasciitis. Symptoms Of Developing Plantar Fasciitis You'll experience a stabbing type of pain coming from your heel at the bottom of your foot especially when you are trying to get out of bed in the morning.

Plantar Fasciitis But Also Have An MTHFR Gene Mutation? Here's What You Need To Know

If you have been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and have a methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene mutation, you may be wondering what your options are to alleviate the pain in your heel. Your MTHFR gene mutation affects many body systems, which could change the course of treatment for your plantar fasciitis. Here's what you need to know.  MTHFR — Contraindications of Pain Management An MTHFR gene mutation impairs methylation, which is necessary for the biochemical reactions in your body that contribute to autonomic processes such as neurological, cardiovascular, and detoxification systems.

Considering An Ankle Replacement? 4 Things To Know

Persistent pain in the ankle that has not responded to other treatment is a motivating reason to consider a surgical procedure to replace the affected ankle joint. But this complicated surgery is not the right choice for every patient. If you are seeking a way to address debilitating ankle pain, here are four important things you must consider before seeking an ankle replacement surgery.  The recovery period can be extensive 

Caring For Wounds On Your Feet: What You Need To Know

Foot wounds can be painful, and if not taken care of properly, they can worsen quickly or become infected. An infection in the foot on a healthy individual is a problem, but can be terrible if the individual is diabetic. If you have a wound on your foot it should be handled properly. Read on for foot wound care tips. Keep Your Feet Dry Feet should be kept dry whether there is a wound or not, but especially if there is a wound on the foot.

How To Avoid And Treat Stress Fractures When Taking Up Running

Beginning an exercise program is important for your health, but it's a good practice to start gradually and build up the intensity as your body adjusts. For instance, if you take up running, you should start with short distances and gradually add more time to your runs. Doing this helps you avoid problems with your feet such as stress fractures. Here are some more tips for avoiding and treating stress fractures in your feet.